Monday, October 13, 2008

to start off

OK this is my first blog and i have not planned what and how i will write.

To introduce myself, I am Abhishek Prakash Mandvikar. I am student at SIBM, Pune. I am doing my MBA in Finance. I am from mumbai. Sports and Movies are my passions.....

I am gunner for life (i.e. Arsenal from EPL). I love travelling and trekking. I read books which are mostly recommended by my friends.

Mostly i will talk about current issues and events those are happening around. The name of the blog is what I believe our life should be. I try and live up to these high standards of fun.

There is this famous quote by T.S. Eliot " Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go"; which I live by and intend to die by.


Sushanth said...

Ok Garib

best of luck

Abhishek Prakash Mandvikar said...

thank you for the appreciation. now i am back from the vacation so i will be really regular here